Monday, March 25, 2013

He was there...and He Understood

Have you ever taken a moment to truly consider how great our God is - and who He truly is - and what He does for us every second of every moment of our lives?

This past week was a disaster for me. I was down and out with a major flu virus. On top of that I had a tooth abscess the day I got sick. I found myself in my room, unable to move without being sick and tooth pain like you wouldn't believe for several days. I had a lot of time to think. My mind wandered into my past. So many painful moments that don't even compare to the pain of an abscessed tooth. The Dentist asked me today how the weekend was (I had my tooth pulled on Friday) and I simply said, "good." Yes, my mouth hurt and yes I was still wavering from my week long sickness but as I pondered my life I simply am able to say, it wasn't so bad.

As I thought about my past broken bones, surgeries, car accidents, kidney stones, and more physical pains (not to include the emotional pains) all I could think about is how lucky I am have a God who is all knowing. To have a God who is all seeing means that every single moment He knows and understands what I am going through. I was giving someone of my testimony the other week and the person said, "wow, you've had a rough life." I simple shake my head because I have the all encompassing reassurance that my God has never left my side through it all. Many of those moments were hard in the moment and hinds sight is always 20/20 but last week in the midst of a really rough week I found myself truly resting in the strong tower of my Savior. I reached that point of giving it all up to Him - the master of the universe - and just resting in Him.

Yesterday was Palm Sunday. I sat in Church as we praised our Hosanna. As I walked to my room thinking about Easter it hit my like a ton of bricks. I have a Abba God who knows and understands everything I've been through and who has never left my side no matter the murky waters I've traversed.

I have had a rough past but that is nothing compared to what my Savior experienced on the day He was welcomed into the city as the people welcomed their Hosanna. I can't imagine walking through the crowd knowing what was to come. Knowing that a few days later these same people would be yelling, "Crucify Him!"

I have never been beaten like He has, I never been betrayed like He has, I have never been crucified but He has. I can say that I daily pick up my cross but now, in retrospect I feel like saying "How dare I say such a thing?" Who am I to say that I've walked the path he was made to walk. A path he was made to walk to save ME from MY sin.

I can now safely say my pain in nothing in comparison. I can now say that I was never alone in my moments of pain, He was there...and He understood.